
I am currently offering the following practical workshops and/or academic seminars on socially-engaged performance techniques for diverse participants, ranging from university students to vulnerable communities. Whether training future facilitators or engaging first-time participants, in one-off or ongoing sessions, I tailor creative activities to the given social context.

Devised Theater


‘Devising’ is a contemporary performance practice, based in the process of creating original material from participants’ own skills, interests and experiences, through the collaborative exploration of theatrical techniques that play with boundaries between performer and audience, art and reality.


Puppets and Masks

masks2The imagination is unleashed through scenographic techniques, such as papier-mache mask-work, shadow puppetry, and stop-motion animation, propelling participants to make their own worlds of poetic imagery, where the objects take on an enchanting life of their own.


Movement for Performers

move6This specialised method of physical training, based on the world-renowned stage movement technique studied at the Moscow Art Theater and the Vakhtangov Theatre Academy in Russia, develops physical awareness, strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, acrobatic stunts and stage combat skills.


Learning English Through Theater

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAParticipatory Theater techniques, applied as an educational tool for teaching English, provide an effective, fun means of encouraging creative expression, enhancing communication skills and building self-confidence among English language learners at any level.


Theater in Educational and Social Contexts


This seminar presents the theory and practice of socially-engaged performance, looking at contemporary models and methodologies for facilitating community engagement, and specifically examining potential ways for theater artists to generate social and educational dialogues, with a global perspective on their local terrain.


For booking information, please email me: